
Corporate Identity Logos - Building a strong business image.

There’s no question about it…if you are starting a new corporation or even if you have an existing company, your businesses requires a powerful corporate identity, the cornerstone of which is a graphically appealing logo. Logos not only instantly project and reinforce your company’s unique business persona, but they also act as the basic graphic design element for developing all of your company’s visual promotional materials; from your business cards, stationery, brochures, ads and presentation folders, to your internet campaigns, product labels and even your website.

A great logo serves as the foundation of your corporate identity. It is the image that represents your company without necessarily displaying the name or product. A quality logo gives the customer the feeling that the business is reliable and worthy of their patronage. The logo is found on every conceivable material used inside the business office, internet and for outgoing mails and advertisements. It is also found on company websites and promotional materials.